Are you interested in serving on the board of a Framingham-based mission driven organization? Please review the board responsibilities and contact us.
Note: In the Contact Us form, under “Send This To”, select “Board search”.
Roles and Responsibilities
BOD Mission:
- To create a BOD that values all gifts, time and talents of its members and reflects the diversity of the communities served by Jeff’s Place;
- To motivate and inspire individuals, stakeholders, foundations and corporations to support the organization’s financial needs and community-building mission;
- To foster a sense of responsibility and pride in all members with regards to their contributions** on the Board.
BOD Essential Roles:
- Having a fiduciary responsibility to the financial sustainability and growth of Jeff’s Place;
- Hiring, supporting, evaluating and supervising the Executive Director;
- Ensuring the fulfillment of the mission of Jeff’s Place and continuing to define and navigate the success of its vision.
Minimum Requirements for Board Members:
- Provide an annual financial donation to Jeff’s Place and make Jeff’s Place a top philanthropic priority;
- Serve on at least one board committee;
- Attend all BOD meetings and related committee meetings.
** “Contributions to Jeff’s Place” may include:
Being an Ambassador:
- Speaking about, or representing, your involvement at Jeff’s Place at community events;
- Providing a platform for your community to learn about Jeff’s Place;
- Connecting Jeff’s Place with grant opportunities;
- Connecting Jeff’s Place with donors and support opportunities;
- Sharing professional and/or personal expertise with board and committees
- Providing an updated list of potential donors for the Annual Appeal;
- Providing resources and sponsorship opportunities for fundraising events;
- Attending fundraising events and inviting people who may have a connection to Jeff’s Place, a compelling reason to donate, or, once learning about Jeff’s Place, want to support our overall mission.