News & Events
Support for College Bound Students
The road to college for high school students has never been more daunting for students. College marketing is overwhelming, applications have become more intensive, and the cost to attend is at an all time high. Additional challenges for families have arisen due to...
MetroWest Nonprofits Announce Virtual Support Group for Adults Coping with COVID-19 Loss
Framingham, Mass. - (January 26, 2021) - Jeff’s Place Children’s Bereavement Center, the Framingham-based not-for-profit that provides free grief support groups for families who have experienced a significant death loss, The Parmenter Foundation and Advocates today...
Grieving During COVID 19 – Support Group for Adults
View details about this support group.
Coping with the Holidays While Grieving
For those who are grieving, the holidays can be a struggle. As we navigate this particular holiday season it is even more important to shed light, give space, and offer strategies to cope with the upcoming holidays. Remember these 3 C’s: 1) Communicate; 2) Choice; and...
Jeff’s Place Children’s Bereavement Center Named “2020 Top-Rated Nonprofit” by GreatNonprofits
Award based on outstanding online reviews Framingham, Mass. - (October 26, 2020) - Jeff’s Place MetroWest, the Framingham-based not-for-profit that provides free grief support groups for families who have experienced a significant death loss, today announced that it...
Hope and Healing: For Caretakers of Grieving Children — Finding Resiliency
What to Say and What Not to Say to Someone Who Is Grieving
When someone you know is grieving after a loss, it can be tough to know what to say or do. What feels appropriate and helpful for one person may seem wrong for another. Read the full article on Up Journey. Melissa Kennedy Panto of Jeff's Place contributed to this...
Jeff’s Place Receives Nearly $100,000 in Grants During the First Half of 2020
Funds to be used for technology, programming and more Framingham, Mass. - (August 25, 2020) - Jeff’s Place Children’s Bereavement Center, the Framingham-based not-for-profit that provides free grief support groups for families who have experienced a significant death...
Hope and Our New Website
I’ve been honored to co-design this new website. It’s given me the opportunity to express my love and appreciation for Jeff’s Place and the tremendously important support it provides to grieving children and their families. Jeff’s Place holds a special place in my...
Address Change & Phone Service
New address! Jeff's Place has officiallymoved to it's new location at 281 Pleasant St. in Framingham, MA 10701. Please direct all mail to this new address! Phone Service Due to our moving locations, our phone service will be temporarily disconnected. If you need to...
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